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Top 10 phrases to compliment someone in Japanese Language

Complimenting someone can make their whole day. Telling a cab driver “You drive very well” or telling a masseur “You have healing hands” goes a long way in helping them in their professional and personal life. Giving someone a compliment doesn’t cost you a thing – not your time nor energy nor money. Yet, it can be such a powerful thing.

In a country like Japan where mannerism and politeness are very important, you need to be able to compliment others in Japanese when the situation calls for one. Simple complimentary phrases in the Japanese language are easy to learn.

With technological enhancements, we now have futuristic apps and software to help us learn new languages. Not just that, even if we are not tech-savvy people, we could always ask Youtube to assist us, right? There are tutorial videos for almost everything in this digital age.

Want to learn a new recipe?

Go to Youtube.

Want to learn Japanese language?

Type ‘Learn Japanese” on Youtube’s search bar.

We have certainly come a long way. We can now also learn Japanese online, by joining online courses or simply downloading Japanese learning ebooks for free from the internet.

We live in a world where by clicking just a few buttons most tasks can be done, hassle-free.

Here’s hoping to make your life happier and easier by listing out 10 of the most commonly used Japanese compliments that you can definitely use to compliment your Japanese friends or colleagues.

How to compliment in Japanese

Here are 10 most common phrases to compliment someone in Japanese Language:

素敵 [Suteki] – Fantastic! Beautiful!
Let’s say someone showed you something and you want to compliment them along the lines of it being interesting or beautiful. Just say, “Suteki.”

かっこいい [Kakkoii] – Cool!
Cool is a word one can use for almost anything. This particular phrase is used when something looks or feels brand new.

かわいい [Kawaii] – Cute!
You may have heard of the word Kawaii. It basically represents anything cute or animated. Kawaii is the perfect compliment for a girl in Japanese. For instance, if you want to tell a Japanese girl that you like her dress, then this is the word you’d need to use.

すばらしい [Subarashii] – Wonderful! Breathtaking!
The Land of the Rising Sun has picturesque settings and you would like to express your admiration for its beauty. This is the phrase just for that.

上手 [Jouzu] – You’re good at this!
Complimenting someone for the task they do, as mentioned before, can make their day. It helps them to feel appreciated and do even better. Use this phrase to make friends, especially at your workplace. You could also use it to further your chances with your crush. For instance, let’s say you want to compliment (a boy) in Japanese because you have a huge crush on your colleague, this is the phrase you would like to use.

優しい [Yasashii] – You’re so kind! You’re so compassionate!
Kindness is a virtue that must be rewarded with kindness as well. And the best way to do that is by compliments like this.

頑張っているね [Ganbatteirune] – You sure are working hard!
This will come in handy at your workplace. Japanese people take pride in doing hard work and complimenting them will put you on their good side. If you want to get that promotion at work, why not start using this phrase to butter up your boss or your supervisor?

美味しい [Oishii] – Yummy! Delicious!
In the birthplace of sushi, you are going to experience what good food really is. Whenever you visit restaurants, use this phrase to compliment the cook and the people.

似合っているね [Niatteirune] – That suits you well! It matches you perfectly!
Use this phrase to compliment someone’s look such as their hairstyles or fashion sense. This is the perfect phrase to use when you go shopping with your friends and they try on a few dresses that go well with some pairs of shoes.

いいね [Iine] – Good! Great!
Now, this is a word you can use in various situations. Someone asks how you are you or how the food tastes, just use this phrase. Your neighbor asks you how your day was, just use this simple word with a smile on your face (well, if your day WAS, in fact, good).

Well, there you have it. You are on your way to having a fruitful life in Japan as long as you give compliments when (even when not) necessary.

To build a strong relationship with your Japanese friends, lovers, neighbors, colleagues, or even your clients (when the situation calls for praises), just try to remember these 10 simple Japanese compliments and know exactly when to use them. Trust us, you are going to need them especially if you plan to study, work or live in Japan.

Sayonara for now!

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