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Tips For Learning Japanese Language

Tips For Learning Japanese Language

You know how they say, “Practice makes perfect?” Well, it applies to almost everything, including speaking a new language. Unless it is our native language, learning a new language can be quite a pickle. It takes time and dedication to learn a new language from the alphabets to pronunciation, semantics to pragmatics, and syntax to context. And Japanese is no exception.

The 9th most-spoken language globally and the third-largest language on the Internet, Japanese is among the most beneficial languages to master, especially for those who want to live, work or study in Japan and for all the anime and manga fans. So, if you dream of reading or speaking Japanese fluently, we don’t blame you. It is a fascinating language.

For those who want Tips for Learning Japanese, especially those who wish to speak Japanese fluently, you have landed on the right page. In this blog, we will share our tips to speak Japanese effortlessly.
So, let’s get this show on the road.

Tips On How To Speak in Japanese More Fluently

1. Join a Japanese Language Class

Join a Japanese Language Class

If you are a beginner, we’d advise that you join an Offline or Online Japanese Language Class, preferably an offline class. There are many Japanese language institutions in India that you could join, such as Akal Japanese Academy in New Delhi. You see, by joining an offline class, you will be able to interact with your teachers and classmates in Japanese face to face, as you will be exposed to more Japanese words and conversations. However, you need to be attentive and enthusiastic in the classroom. Don’t be afraid to ask and answer as many questions as possible, be it in Japanese or the common language you use in the classroom.

2. Subscribe to More Japanese-Language Media

Subscribe to more Japanese Language Media

Be it your television shows, news, or movies, subscribe to more Japanese language media to familiarise yourself with the language. Turning on the subtitle will gradually let you know what the words or sentences mean in time. You can also try mimicking what they are saying because this way, you will be able to get your pronunciations on point. Hana Yori Dango and Great Teacher Onizuka are among the many Japanese dramas you should watch to enhance your Japanese speaking skills.

3. Be a Part of a Club

Be A Part Of A Club

Be it offline or online, there are many Japanese clubs and communities you could join in India. For instance, there are many Japanese communities on social media platforms where you can make Japanese friends. Once you have made a Japanese language-speaking friend or two (if you haven’t gotten one already), tell them about your keen interest in mastering your Japanese language-speaking skills.

You could also visit Japanese restaurants in your area or places that promote Japanese culture, like tea ceremonies. By experiencing the Japanese culture, you will build more interest and the drive to try harder. Plus, who knows who you’d meet there? Maybe someone who would be able to help you learn to speak Japanese? Practicing with native speakers will give you more room to learn and polish your Japanese language speaking skills.

4. Watch Youtube Tutorials

Watch Youtube Tutorials

How lucky are we that we are able to learn almost everything from the comfort of our own home? Credit goes to Youtube and the many dedicated Youtubers, wouldn’t you agree?

There are many “How to..” videos on Youtube like “How to speak Japanese fluently.” Take a look at the few links we have shared below on how to speak in Japanese fluently:

5. Record Yourself Speaking Japanese

Record Yourself Speaking Japanese

One way to brush up your Japanese language skills by yourself is to record yourself speaking in Japanese and listening back to it. This way, you will hear what you sound like and where you need to improve.

6. Set A Routine

Set A Routine

Whether you join a community or watch Japanese-language media or watch Youtube Tutorials enhance your Japanese speaking skills, ensure that you set time apart for it and follow through religiously. You can even create a study plan. If you have a clear goal in mind and set some time aside for it, be it daily or weekly, you will be more motivated to reach that goal.

7. Don’t Give Up

Don't give up

It’s natural to lose spirit when we try new things or when we don’t see results immediately. But, if you really want to be fluent in Japanese, no matter how long it takes, don’t give up. A time will come when you will eventually get there as long as you dedicate your time and energy to it. Continue to stay motivated and positive. With the right attitude and outlook, learning becomes more fun and effective.

Well, there you have it, ladies and gentlemen – AJA’s tips on how to speak Japanese fluently. We hope they help you in enhancing your Japanese skills.

We will leave you here with our best wishes.

Until next time, sayonara for now!

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