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Teacher’s Day Celebration at AKAL Japanese Academy

Teacher’s Day Celebration at AKAL Japanese Academy

On the 5th of September 2021, an online Teacher’s Day event was held and attended by many students along with teachers and staff. The program started with a thank-you speech by Sukhneet Ma’am dedicated to all the teachers of Akal; who have contributed to the success stories of our candidates learning the Japanese language as a skill for CAREER IN JAPAN.

Shiva sensei spoke a few lines mentioning how he became associated with Akal Japanese Academy. He later thanked Sukhneet Ma’am for guiding him to become a successful teacher.

This was followed by every student sharing memories and appreciating their favorite teachers in their life. They also covered subjects in Science, Mathematics and how much they are inspired and motivated by the Akal Japanese teachers.

Serap san from Arunachal serenaded us as he sang 3 beautiful songs all the while making awe-inspiring music with his guitar, 2 in Hindi and one in Japanese.

The students also shared about the importance of celebrating Teacher’s Day. They spoke about all the qualities that a good teacher must have and they were happy that AJA teachers had all those qualities. Some of the students also said a few lines to their favorite teacher in Japanese.

“I really appreciate all the AJA teachers and staff for always motivating me. Teachers are like roads. They remain in the same place to make way for others. I thank each and everyone one of you and wish you nothing but success,” said Himani from AJA Delhi.

Vinod san shared a beautiful farewell day song in Telugu, which filled the ambiance with nostalgia and warmth as it brought everyone back to their school and college days. The students also spoke highly about the way AJA’s teachers’ and staffs’ have been supporting and motivating them.

One quote we loved was “One pen, one student and one teacher can change the world.” We couldn’t agree more with Arun san From AJA Delhi, who closed the program with a melodious song.

Everyone had a happy and wonderful experience with the way the online celebration was being done. It is safe to say that it was a huge success.

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