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Jobs For Health Caregivers In Japan (Female Trainees) Under TITP program

caregiver in japan

Have you always wanted to live abroad? Would you like to have a successful Career in Japan by working as a caregiver in Japan and enjoy everything good that the animated nation has to offer?


Well, you’re in luck because, as it just so happens, Japan is looking for skilled nurses, midwives, and other general health care providers from countries like the Philippines, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Taiwan, and India. And guess what? Indians are usually the obvious choice for this career as they are most often well-qualified.

Because of its aging population and low birth rate, Japan has been facing a chronic labor shortage for a while now. As a result, the demand for foreign workers has risen across all industries, including the caregiving industry. So, the Japanese and Indian governments have joined hands to start the TITP (Technical Intern Training Program).

The caregiver jobs in Japan can be a fulfilling career path for Indians looking to immigrate to Japan. As the demand for caregivers is in high demand in Japan, there are a plethora of job vacancies for those who want to work in the caregiving industry. According to an estimate by the Japanese healthcare ministry, the country will need 2.53 million care workers by 2025.

Caregiver Job Description

Who Is A Caregiver?

Merriam-Webster defines a caregiver as “a person who provides direct care (as for children, elderly people, or the chronically ill”. In layman’s terms, a caregiver takes care of people who are too sick, too young, or too old to take care of themselves.

Roles And Responsibilities Of A Caregiver

A caregiver job duties include-

  • Taking care of the patient (bathing, feeding, etc.)
  • Maintaining medical charts and monitoring medication.
  • Scheduling necessary appointments such as visits to the patient’s doctor or family.
  • Monitoring patient’s health conditions.
  • Help clients take prescribed medication.
  • Assist clients with ambulation and mobility around the house or outside.
  • Assist clients with personal care and hygiene.
  • Help clients with physical therapy exercises.
  • Plan and prepare meals with assistance from the clients (when they are able).
  • Do the client’s shopping or accompany them when they shop.
  • Perform light housekeeping duties that clients can’t complete on their own.
  • Be a pleasant and supportive companion.
  • Report any unusual incidents.
  • Act quickly and responsibly in cases of emergency

Skill Required To Be A Caregiver

To be a successful caregiver, you must have the following skills-

  • Communication Skills (both written and verbal)
  • Patience
  • Compassion and Empathy
  • Ability to monitor and observe
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Time management
  • Flexibility
  • Organizational skills
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Positive personality traits
  • Reliability
  • Knowledge of emergency response and first aid (CPR, etc.)
  • Strong ethics
  • Physical endurance

How To Be A Caregiver In Japan

Average Annual Salary: Rs. 100000 to 120000 Per Month
Minimum N Level Requirement: N4 level of Japanese Language

Thanks to TITP (Technical Intern Training Program), becoming a caregiver is only a few steps away. Under this program, foreign nationals are trained in the Japanese language and Japanese culture, among others. After the training is completed, candidates are sent to Japan to work for up to 5 years.

Under AKAL Japanese Academy’s TITP, female candidates will get the opportunity to take on courses that focus on caregiving via online live classes with some of the most skilled teachers. As Japanese language skills are a must to move to Japan, candidates will also be taught the Japanese language and everything they need to know about the Japanese culture and traditions.

Eligibility Criteria For TITP

Grade 12 or above
Age: 18+

Benefits Of TITP Under AKAL Japanese Academy

  • Learn the language of Japan and its culture
  • Fet the opportunity to earn a monthly salary of more than Rs. 1 Lakh.
  • The institution will assist you with the visa application process.
  • The institution will help you register to Japan job portals.

Care Giver Program Fee

Sr. No. Services Charges in INR Mode
1. Japanese Language Training, Japanese Culture, Laws, Rules & Regulations, Day to Day Life Training, Study Material ₹ 33900/- + GST (18%) To be paid in four monthly instalments.
2. Registration Fee, Interview Assessment ₹ 16950/- + GST (18%) At the time of TITP Registration
3. Interview preparations, Mock Interviews, Japanese employer facilitation, Job matching, placement, Administrative Charges ₹ 33900/- + GST (18%) At the time of selection by Japanese Employer.
4. Visa paper filing & processing, Pre-dispatch training and other soft skills related to candidates’ successful landing in Japan. Training in day to day conversations, team building activities through role-plays. ₹ 195250/- + GST (18%) At the time of receipt of COE from Japanese Employer
  Grand Total ₹ 280000/- + GST (18%) Total Fee to be paid

AKAL has sent many caregivers in Japan under its TITP. So, if you are interested in this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, visit AKAL JAPANESE ACADEMY or contact us @ 011-40560919 / 9310533001 to register today.

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