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Japanese Phrase And Quotes To Cheer Someone Up

apanese Phrase And Quotes To Cheer Someone Up

In this random and unpredictable world, it’s not always rainbows and butterflies. Some days are better than others. And on some days, we need our own cheerleader(s) who’d be able to motivate us and shine a light on our otherwise unpleasant days. Cheering on someone, even with phrases as simple as “You did well” or “You can do it”, can make their day and change their frame of mind. You’d be amazed by how powerful your cheer words are in making someone put a smile on their face.

Now, if you have Japanese friends who are having one of those days or are going through something, we have compiled a list of the most common Japanese Phrase on how to cheer someone up, how to cheer someone up over text in Japanese, as well as quotes to cheer someone up when they are stressed.

Common Japanese Phrase To Cheer Someone Up

Cheer up! Genki dashite! 元気 出して!
You really did your best today. Kyō wa hontōni ganbatta ne. 今日は本当に頑張ったね。
I am proud of you. Hokori ni omou yo. 誇りに 思うよ。
Thank you for your hard work today! Kyō wa otsukaresama! 今日は お疲れ様!
You did well. Yoku yatta. よくやった。
Look on the bright side… Akarui men o mitekudasai… 明るい面を見てください…
Lighten up! Akaruku! 明るく!
Let’s continue to do our best for the next opportunity. Tsugi no kikai no tameni korekara mo ganbarou. 次の 機会のために これからも 頑張ろう.
I’m rooting for you! Ōen shi terukara ne! 応援してるからね!
Don’t worry about today, let’s concentrate on what we can do for the next. Kyō no koto wa shinpai shinaide,-ji no tame ni nani ga dekiru ka shūchū shiyou. 今日の ことは 心配 しないで、 次のために 何が 出来るか 集中しよう。
You sure are working hard! Ganbatteirune 頑張っているね
Stay positive. Mae muki ni ne 前向きにね。
Life is better when you are laughing. Anata ga waratte iru toki, jinsei wa yori yoidesu. あなたが笑っているとき、人生はより良いです。
Cheer up, tomorrow is another chance. Genkiwodashite, ashita wa mata betsu no chansudesu. 元気を出して、明日はまた別のチャンスです。
Tough times don’t last, tough people do. Kibishī jidai wa tsudzukimasen, kibishī hitobito wa tsudzukimasu. 厳しい時代は続きません、厳しい人々は続きます。
You create your own opportunities. Chansu wa jibun de tsukuru mono. チャンスは自分で作るもの。
Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened. Owatta kara nakanaide, okottakara waratte. 終わったから泣かないで、起こったから笑って。
Keep smiling! Egao o tsudzukete kudasai! 笑顔を続けてください!
Do not be so hard on yourself. You did your best. Jibun o son’nani semenaide. Anata wa saizen o tsukushimashita. 自分をそんなに責めないで。あなたは最善を尽くしました。
Continuance is power/strength. Keizoku wa chikara nari. 継続は力なり。
There are hardships and also there are pleasures. Ku areba raku ari 苦あれば楽あり
You’ll get better as time goes by! Dan dan jouzu ni natte kuru yo! だんだん上手になってくるよ!

Common Quotes In Japanese To Cheer Someone Up


“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.”
– Confucius.

Susumitsudukete sae ireba, osoku tomo kankei nai. 進み続けてさえいれば、遅くとも関係ない。
.”If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden.”
–  Frances Hodgson Burnett
Tadashī mikata o sureba, zen sekai ga niwadearu koto ga wakarimasu. 正しい見方をすれば、全世界が庭であることがわかります。

.“Life is too short for us to dwell on sadness. Cheer up and live life to the fullest.”
– Dexter Monterde.

Jinsei wa watashitachi ga kanashimi ni kodawaru ni wa mijika sugimasu. Genkiwodashite, jinsei o saidaigen ni ikimashou. 人生は私たちが悲しみにこだわるには短すぎます。元気を出して、人生を最大限に生きましょう。
“I’ve got nothing to do today but smile.”
– Simon and Garfunkel
Kyō wa egao igai ni nani mo suru koto ga arimasen. 今日は笑顔以外に何もすることがありません。

“Be the change you want to see in the world.”
– Mahatma Gandhi

Kono sekai no uchi ni nozomu henka ni, anata jishin ga natte misenasai. この世界の内に望む変化に、あなた自身が成ってみせなさい。
The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.
– Chinese Proverb
Ki o ueru no ni ichi-ban yokatta jiki wa ni-jū-nen mae datta. Ni-ban-me ni ii jiki wa ima da. 木を植えるのに一番良かった時期は20年前だった。二番目に良い時期は今だ。

“Cheer up when the night comes, because mornings always give you another chance.”
– Nicki Minaj.

Asa wa itsumo anata ni betsu no chansu o ataerunode, yoru ga kitara genkiwodashite kudasai. 朝はいつもあなたに別のチャンスを与えるので、夜が来たら元気を出してください。
“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.”
– Theodore Roosevelt.
Anata ga dekiru to shinjite, anata wa soko no hanbun ni imasu. あなたができると信じて、あなたはそこの半分にいます。

“Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.”
– Dalai Lama.

Anata ga nozomu mono o te ni haire rarenai koto wa tokidoki subarashī un no sutorōkudearu koto o wasurenaide kudasai. あなたが望むものを手に入れられないことは時々素晴らしい運のストロークであることを忘れないでください。
“Nothing is permanent in this wicked world, not even our troubles.”
– Charlie Chaplin.
Kono jaakuna sekaide wa, watashitachi no mondaide sae, eizoku-tekina mono wa arimasen. この邪悪な世界では、私たちの問題でさえ、永続的なものはありません。

“Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.”
– Oscar Wilde.

Sunao ni nare. Hoka no min’na wa sudeni tsurete ika rete imasu. 素直になれ。他のみんなはすでに連れて行かれています。
“Count your life by smiles, not tears.”
– John Lennon.
Anata no jinsei o namida no kazude wanaku egao no kazu de kazoe nasai. あなたの人生を涙の数ではなく笑顔の数で数えなさい。

“When I get sad, I stop being sad and start being awesome instead. ”
-Barney Stilson.

Watashi ga kanashimu toki, watashi wa kanashimu no o yamete, kawari ni subarashiku nari hajimemasu. 私が悲しむとき、私は悲しむのをやめて、代わりに素晴らしくなり始めます。
“Never bend your head. Hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye.”
-Helen Keller.
Atama o magenaide kudasai. Takaku motte kudasai. Sekai o massugu ni mitekudasai 頭を曲げないでください。高く持ってください。世界をまっすぐに見てください。

“Once you choose hope, anything’s possible.”
– Christopher Reeve.

Kibō o sentaku sureba, nani demo kanōdesu. 希望を選択すれば、何でも可能です。
“The hard days are what make you stronger.”
– Aly Raisman.
Kon’nan’na hibi ga anata o tsuyoku shimasu. 困難な日々があなたを強くします。

“Do the best you can. No one can do more than that.”
– John Wooden.

Dekiru kagiri saizen o tsukushite kudasai. Sore ijō no koto wa dekimasen. できる限り最善を尽くしてください。それ以上のことはできません。
“If people are doubting how far you can go, go so far that you can’t hear them anymore.”
– Michele Ruiz.
Hitobito ga anata ga doko made ikeru ka gimon ni omotte irunara, mō karera no koe ga kikoenai hodo tōku made itte kudasai. 人々があなたがどこまで行けるか疑問に思っているなら、もう彼らの声が聞こえないほど遠くまで行ってください。

We hope the tables above help you cheer up your friends on their hard days.

Learn Japanese

Many offline and online courses are available in India, such as AKAL Japanese Academy in Delhi, to improve your Japanese language skills. This fine institution’s 6-month course will teach you the Japanese language and introduce you to the rich Japanese Culture and Traditions.

About AKAL Japanese Academy

Akal Japanese Academy offers courses where you will get the opportunity to learn Japanese language and gain insights into the fascinating cultures and traditions of the Japanese. It will also help you find a job in Japan and assist you with the visa application process. Courses are available both online and offline.

To know more and register, visit Akal Japanese Academy or call us at 011 – 40560919 / 9310533001.

Until next time, sayonara for now!

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