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How To Write Birthday Invitations In Japanese

Japanese invitation

Once a year comes your day, and on this day, your phone and social media walls are bombarded by heartwarming birthday wishes and showered with gifts and cards (not so much as you grow older, right?). The feeling that you get on your special day can be blissful and touching, and when people see who happy you are, it moves them too. So, it’s only fair that they witness your special day with you, right? Enter birthday celebrations, be it big or small. Here are must-know tricks to write a Japanese Invitation.

Now, the first thing you are going to do is make a nice-looking birthday invitation. You can make the invitations using DIY materials or use photo-editing programs such as Canva. Inventions and technology have really made it easy even for amateurs to be creative and skillful.

In this article, we will teach you how to make birthday invitation cards with Japanese themes to follow and what to write in them.

If you live in Japan and want to throw a birthday party but don’t know how to make Japanese party invitations, then this article is just for you.

Some Japanese Birthday Vocabulary

  • Happy Birthday in Japanese: Otanjo-bi omedetou! (おたんじょうび おめでとう。 お誕生日おめでとう)
  • Invite in Japanese: Shōtai (招待)
  • Japanese Birthday: Nihon no tanjōbi (日本の誕生日)
  • Birthday Party in Japanese: Tanjōbikai (誕生日会)
  • Cake in Japanese: Kēki (ケーキ)
  • Anniversary of Birth in Japanese: Seitan kinenbi (生誕記念日)
  • Candles: Kyandoru (キャンドル)
  • Birthday Celebration in Japanese: Tanjōbi no oiwai (誕生日のお祝い)
  • Balloon: Barūn (バルーン)
  • Banner: Banā (バナー)

How To Make Birthday Invitation Cards

  1. DIY: As we have mentioned earlier, you can make birthday invitation cards with your own hands by buying DIY materials online or in many departmental or stationery stores. Take a look at the videos in the Youtube links we give provided below:
  2. Canva: One of our favorite design tools, Canva lets you design almost anything from porters to birthday invitations to Instagram stories and many more. You can use several templates if you are new to this state-of-the-art program, or you could even channel the artist in you and start from scratch. It’s easy and fun to use with tons of amazing features that we are sure you will love.

Japanese Themes Or Items You Could Use To Decorate Your Birthday Invitation Card

If you are looking for some oriental designs to decorate your birthday invitation cards, here are some Japanese themed art you could opt for:

  • Lanterns
  • Japanese fans
  • Fancy chopsticks
  • Cherry blossom/Sakura
  • Karesansui/Zen garden
  • Origami
  • Kokeshi Dolls
  • Sushi
  • Kimonos
  • Anime characters

Now that we have provided the list of common Japanese items you can use as decorations for your birthday invitation cards, we will leave the creative part to you.

How To Write Birthday Invitations In Japanese

Every birthday invitation card must address who, where, when, and what.

  • First, you need an eye-catching heading.
    It can be as simple as “Sakura is turning 5!” or “Sakura wa 5-sai ni narimasu” (さくらは5歳になります)
    or if you are having a themed party and let’s say it’s
    “Superheroes”, you can add “Calling All Superheroes For Jimi’s 5th Birthday!”
    or “Jimi no 5-sai no tanjōbi ni subete no sūpāhīrō o yobidasu” (ジミの5歳の誕生日にすべてのスーパーヒーローを呼び出す)
  • “Next comes the invitation or explanation for the party. Again, it can be as simple as.
    “You are cordially invited to Sakura’s 5th birthday party”
    or “Sakura no 5-sai no tanjōbi pātī ni kokorokara shōtai sa rete imasu” (さくらの5歳の誕生日パーティーに心から招待されています)
    or if it is a themed party (let’s stick with the Superheroes them for now),
    you can add “Come save the day at Jimi’s 5th birthday party!”
    or Jimi no 5-sai no tanjōbi pātī de sonohi o sukui ni kite kudasai! ジミの5歳の誕生日パーティーでその日を救いに来てください!
  • Then come the date, time and location:
    Eg: December 20th, 2021 | 1:00 PM | 123 ABC Park
    or “2021-Nen 12 tsuki 20-nichi | gogo 1-ji | 123 ABC pāku” (2021年12月20日|午後1時| 123ABCパーク。)
  • Lastly, you will need a headcount so ask all the invitees to RSVP to you or to whoever you put in charge via email or phone.
    Eg: RSVP to Joy @ 090-1234-XXXX or “Joy@ 090 – 1234 – XXXX e no shukketsu kakunin” (Joy @ 090-1234-XXXXへの出欠確認 )

Well, there you have it. Ladies and gentlemen. You can now start making your Japanese birthday invitation cards. We hope this article was helpful. If you want to know the Different ways to say Happy Birthday in Japanese. Do check out our previous blogs.

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