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How To Respond When People Speak To You In Japanese

How To Respond When People Speak To You In Japanese

In this blog, let’s learn how to respond while talking in Japanese because if you are going to travel or move to Japan for your studies or career, you are going to need it.

Whether you are a Japanese language student or someone who doesn’t speak Japanese at all, it would be wise to learn to be able to answer basic Japanese questions or phrases if you are planning to visit Japan anytime soon.

Also read: How To Say I Love You In Japanese

Let’s begin, shall we?

Common Responses In Japanese

The table below shows different responses you could give to someone when you are having a conversation with them in Japanese. Please note that the Japanese words are not the exact translation of the English words but rather what they mean.

English Romaji Japanese
Yes. Hai. はい。
No. Īe. いいえ。
I know. So desuyone. そうですよね。
I see. Naruhodo. なるほど。
Exactly. Tashikani. たしかに。
That’s right. Sono tōrida ne. そのとおりだね。
That’s great! / Amazing! Sugoine! すごいね!
Is that so? Sō nanda? そうなんだ?
I totally understand. Wakaru wakaru. わかる わかる。
I don’t know. Wakaranai. わからない。

Answers In Japanese For Common Questions Asked In A Conversation

When you move to a new place, people are going to want to know about you. So, in this section, let’s learn how to answer common questions asked in Japanese.

Following are the common questions asked by random people and how to answer such questions in Japanese that we believe will make your move to Japan easier.

Also Read: Top 15 Highest-Paying Jobs in Japan

Question 1: What is your name?

Namae wa nani?


Answer: My name is___



Question 2: How old are you?

Nan-saidesu ka?


Answer: I am ___ years old.

Watashi wa ___-saidesu.


Question 3: Where are you from?

Doko kara kimashitaga?


Answer: I am from India.

Watashi wa Indo shusshindesu.


Question 4: Are you here for studies or work?

Anata wa benkyō ya shigoto no tame ni koko ni imasu ka?


Answer 1: I am here for work.

Watashi wa shigoto no tame ni koko ni imasu.


Answer 2: I am here to study.

Watashi wa benkyō suru tame ni koko ni imasu.


Question 5: Do you live alone?

Hitorikurashidesu ka?


Answer 1: Yes, I live alone.

Hai, watashi wa hitorigurashidesu.


Answer 2: No, I live with my friends.

Īe, tomodachi to issho ni sunde imasu.


Question 6: Where do you work?

Anata wa doko de hataraitemasu ka?


Answer: I work at ___ company.

Watashi wa ___-sha de hataraite imasu.


Question 7: What do you do?

Shokugyō wa nandesu ka?


Answer 1: I am a student.

Watashi wa gakuseidesu.


Answer 2: I work at ___ company.

Watashi wa ___-sha de hataraite imasu.


Question 8: Do you like living in Japan?

Nihon ni sumu no wa sukidesu ka?


Answer: Yes, I love it here.

Hai, koko ga daisukidesu.


There you have it, ladies and gentlemen. We hope the above two tables become your guide when you want to respond to someone when they are speaking to you in Japanese.

Remember to maintain eye contact, nod, and smile when you have a conversation with anyone.

We will leave you here with our best wishes.

Until next time, sayonara for now!

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