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How to introduce yourself in Japanese for your job interview

How to introduce yourself in Japanese for your job interview

No matter how many times we go through it, job interviews are never easy, and on top of that getting interviewed by foreign companies whose preferred language is their native tongue can be nerve-wrecking.

For most of us, especially freshers – straight out of college, the amount of time spent on preparation and research can really help us develop the confidence we need to make a good first impression.

If you have an upcoming interview for a Japanese company and you have somehow landed on this page then this article is just for you.

Introducing yourself in Japanese will be an added advantage for you as it will make you stand out among the other candidates and help you make a good first impression.

We have drafted the perfect introduction in Japanese for your job interview just for you.

Hello sir/madam
Konnichiwa haikei sama,

It’s my pleasure to speak with you. I am (Your Name). Basically, I belong to (City Name). I have been living in (City Name) for (No. of years/months) now. I stay here with my family. Besides my parents, there is a younger brother in my family. Currently, I am exploring job opportunities in the (Domain Name) as I have recently finished (Degree Name) from (University Name).


Osewa ni narimasu. Goshoukai sa sete itadakimasu. Watashi wa (shimei) desu. (Shimei) no shusshin desu. Genzai, watashi wa kazoku to issho ni (shimei) ni ( __ nenkan __ gekkan) sunde imasu. Kazoku wa ryōshin to otōto desu. Genzai, (daigaku-mei) de (gakui mei) o saikin shūryō shita bakari nanode, (domein mei) de shūshoku no kikai o sagashite imasu.

I am very interested in the (Domain of your interest). That was the reason I chose to pursue higher studies in (Program Name). Post that, my internship experience and other practical projects in the college further boosted my interest in (Field name) as a full-time career option.


Watashi wa (kyōmi ga aru domein) ni hijō ni kyōmi o motte irunode kōtō kyōiku-mei no (puroguramu-mei) o erabimashita. Sonogo, daigaku de no intānshippu no keiken ya sonohoka no jissen-tekina purojekuto ni yori, furutaimu kyaria no senmon-shoku toshite no (fīrudo-mei) e no kanshin ga sarani oshiage raremashita.

Not only am I passionate about the field I graduated in (Mention field), I am also inclined towards creative activities such as dancing, painting, acting, etc. I have always been an active student in school and college. I have participated in many cultural events during my school and college days and have won many awards.


Watashi wa sotsugyō shita bunya (fīrudo-mei) ni jōnetsu o motte iru dakedenaku, dansu ya kaiga, engi-tō no sōzō-tekina katsudō ni mo katamuite imasu. Watashi wa gakkō ya daigakude wa tsuneni sekkyoku-tekina gakusei deshita. Gakkō ya daigaku jidai ni ōku no bunka gyōji ni sanka shi, ōku no shō o jushō shimashita

In my free time, I enjoy going out with friends and trying new cuisines. I also enjoy watching movies, listening to music, reading, working out, and going on road trips.


Himana toki wa, tomodachi to tsukiattari, atarashī ryōri o tabete tanoshimu. Mata, eiga o mitari, ongaku o kiitari, dokusho o shitari, undō o shitari, ryokō ni dekaketari suru no mo tanoshimidesu.

I am looking forward to knowing more about this opportunity and I will be happy to answer more questions.


Kono kikai ni kanshite shōsai ni shiru koto to henji o kokoromachi ni shite imasu. Yori ōku no shitsumon ni kotaete shiawase ni narimasu.

I look forward to working with you.


Kongotomoyoroshiku onegaishimas.

Learn Japanese and Explore Job Opportunities in Japan

If you are looking to work in Japan or work for a Japanese company in India, AKAL Japanese Academy is the ideal institution to learn Japanese language. By registering on their website, you can also learn Japanese online from the comfort of your own home.

We will leave you here with our best wishes.

Until next time, Sayonara for now.

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