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25 ways to say Good Morning in Japanese

25 ways to say Good Morning in Japanese

There is nothing like waking up with the sun, breathing in the fresh morning air, and happily carrying on with the daily morning routines with a cheery smile. What you do in the morning and how productive it is can steer how your whole day goes. Every family has their morning routine but let’s face it, we all use common phrases such as saying “Good Morning!” or “Time to get up” or “Don’t forget to brush your teeth” to the kids. When talking about Japanese Culture, here’s to know different ways to say Good Morning in Japanese!

Do you know How to say “Good morning” in Japanese?

Well, ‘Good morning” in Japanese language is Ohayō (おはよう)

Japanese are very punctual people who start their days early. Some of them start their days by doing Radio Taiso, which is a series of calisthenic movements. However, in a house with kids, not all parents have time to work out. As kids come first, they often need to be told what to do in the morning, especially the little ones.

If you want to learn every day and Basic Japanese Phrases for your morning routine? Well, you have landed on the right page.

In this blog, let’s focus on the common Japanese phrases used in the morning.

Let’s begin!

25 Common Japanese Phrases For Morning Routine

  1. Good morning – Ohayō (おはよう)
  2. Morning – Asa (朝、あさ)
  3. It’s a beautiful day – Sore was utsukushī hidesu (それは美しい日です)
  4. Wake up – Okiro (起きろ)
  5. Wake up early – Asa hayaku okiru (朝早く起きる)
  6. Get up – Okiru (起きる)
  7. Breakfast – Asa gohan (朝ごはん)
  8. Have breakfast – Chōshoku o toru (朝食をとる)
  9. Breakfast is ready – Chōshoku wa yōi dekite iru (朝食は用意できている)
  10. Breakfast is served – Chōshoku o teikyō shite imasu (朝食を提供しています)
  11. Eat your breakfast – Chōshoku o tabe nasai (朝食を食べなさい)
  12. Wash up – Arau (洗う)
  13. Wash your face – Anata no kao o arau (あなたの顔を洗う)
  14. Make your bed – Anata no beddo o tsukuru (あなたのベッドを作る)
  15. Take a shower – Shawā o abiru (シャワーを浴びる)
  16. Brush your teeth – Ha wo migaku (歯を磨く)
  17. Get dressed – Fuku wo kiru (服を着る)
  18. Take a bath – Ofuro ni hairu (風呂に入る)
  19. Get ready for school – Gakkōniiku junbi o shimasu (学校に行く準備をします)
  20. Do the dishes – Sara o arau (皿を洗う)
  21. Drink your tea – Ocha o nome (お茶を飲む)
  22. Drink your juice – Jūsu o nome (ジュースを飲む)
  23. Wash your plate – Purēto o arau (プレートを洗う)
  24. Have a wonderful day – Sutekina tsuitachi o (素敵な一日を)
  25. Good day – You tsuitachi (良い一日)

If you ever plan to live in Japan, the above morning phrases in Japanese will come in handy, especially if you have kids.

If you want to broaden your Japanese language skills, there are many sites and institutions where you can learn Japanese language online or offline. And if you are looking for the best Japanese language school in India, AKAL Japanese Academy is where you need to be.

About AKAL Japanese Academy

Located in Green Park, New Delhi, AKAL Japanese Academy offers the Best Japanese language courses. Students are taught by some of the best Japanese language teachers in India and from Japan. The course includes fundamental Japanese language training up to JLPT N5, N4, or N3 to help students prepare for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT), held twice a year in New Delhi, India, and the Japanese Language NAT-TEST.

Reasons To Learn Japanese At AKAL Japanese Academy

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  1. You will get flexible time slots depending on your availability.
  2. You will be taught by some of the most experienced trainers and advanced training material.
  3. We will help you in finding your dream job in Japan
  4. You will get to participate in lots of activities and fun.
  5. You will also get career counseling and tons of support from the staff.
  6. We will assist you with the visa application process.

We hope this blog helps you in learning some Japanese phrases that you can use in the morning.

Until next time, sayonara for now!

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