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How to Address Family Members in Japanese

How to Address Family Members in Japanese

If you are planning to study, work or settle in Japan, it would be best for you to Learn Basic Japanese Language and some of their common phrases as the majority of the people in Japan will not be speaking English or other largely spoken languages.

As we have already shared topics on Common Japanese Phrases and Idioms, in this article, let’s focus on how to address family members and relatives in Japanese and get acquainted with Japanese family terms.

The Japanese people believe in working together as a family in a peaceful environment. Some of their core family values include being polite and respecting one another, living in harmony, formality, and interdependence.

Though time changes and along with it the people, traditional values and practices are still considered to be of great importance to many families.

Kazoku is a traditional Japanese family consisting of the father, the mother, and their children. The husband is usually the one who brings home the bacon, while the mother takes care of the children and other household activities.

The following are some of the Important Japanese Family Words, you must know:

  1. Family – Kazoku (家族)
    family in japanese

    Parents – Ryoushin (両親)
    One’s grandfather – Sofu (祖父)
    One’s grandmother – Sobo (祖母)
    One’s father – Chichi (父)
    One’s mother – Haha (母)
  2. Nuclear Family
    nuclear family in japanese
    One’s husband – Shujin (主人)
    One’s wife – Kanai (家内)
    Son – Musuko (息子)
    Daughter – Musume (娘)
  3. Siblings – Kyoudai (兄弟)
    siblings in japanese
    Older brother – Ani (兄)
    Younger brother – Otouto (弟)
    Older sister – Ane (姉)
    Younger sister – Imouto (妹)
  4.  Relatives
    relatives in japanese

    One’s uncle – Oji (伯父)
    One’s aunt – Oba (伯母)
    Nephew – Oi (甥)
    Niece – Mei (姪)
    Cousin – Itoko (従兄弟)
  5. In-law – Giri no (義理の)
    in law in japanese

    Mother-in-law – Giri no haha (義理の母)
    Father-in-law – Giri no chichi (義理の父)
    Son-in-law – Giri no musuko (義理の息子)
    Daughter-in-law – Giri no musume (義理の娘)
  6. Referring Family
    family in japanese
    Someone else’s grandfather – Ojiisan (おじいさん)
    Someone else’s grandmother – Obaasan (おばあさん)
    Someone else’s father – Otousan (お父さん)
    Someone else’s mother – Okaasan (お母さん)
    Grandchild – Mago (孫)

We hope the above information helps you in enhancing your Japanese language skills as well as Japanese family Words.

Want to be fluent in Japanese or Work in Japan?

If you want to be fluent in the 9th most spoken language in the world, you are at the right place.

Akal Japanese Academy is one of the best institutions in India to Learn Japanese Language. Here, not only will you be taught Japanese but you will also get the opportunity to familiarize yourself with Japanese Culture, arts, entertainment, and heritage.

At our academy, you will get the opportunity to be trained for the Technical Intern Training Program (TITP) which has been initiated by the Japanese government to provide employment opportunities to foreign nationals in Japan. Under the TITP, not only will you learn Japanese language, but you will also get insights into the fascinating world of Japan’s rich cultural heritage.

So, if you are a fan of Japanese Manga, or you want to live or Study in Japan, visit https://www.japan-academy.in/ to know more about our various programs such as Learn Japanese Program, TITP Program, Study In Japan Program, and Caregiver Program.

Until next time, Sayonara for now!

Good luck!

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