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Best Anime Quotes of all time

Best Anime Quotes In English

When it comes to anime, there is something for everyone and there is never a dull moment when you invest your time in anime such as the popular comedy Isekai anime by Natsume Akatsuki, KonoSuba: God’s Blessing on This Wonderful World! (この素晴らしい世界に祝福を!) and the dark fantasy Manga Tokyo Ghoul (東京喰種トーキョーグール) by Sui Ishida. What is amazing about anime is the life lessons they teach. From loss to gain, hate to love, failure to success, weakness to strength, enemy to friends, the message they give out can be astounding.

In this blog, we want to share with you some of our favorite and famous anime quotes that we believe you will agree with, relate with, and enjoy.

Inspirational Anime Quotes

  • “Destiny. Fate. Dreams. These unstoppable ideas are held deep in the heart of man. As long as there are people who seek freedom in this life, these things shall not vanish from the Earth.”
    -Gol D. Roger, One Piece.
  • “Every one of us must do what’s in their power! If we’re going to die anyway, then it’s better to die fighting than to do nothing!”
    -Sakura Haruno, Naruto
  • “Courage is a word that gives you the strength to do what’s right.”
    -Ran Mouri, Detective Conan
  • “I do not fear this new challenge, rather like a true warrior I will rise to meet it.”
    -Vegeta, Dragon Ball Z
  • “Do you always want to live hiding behind the mask you put up for the sake of others? You’re you, and there’s nothing wrong with that.”
    -Ymir, Attack On Titan
  • “If we were normal, we might not be alive today. And that, my friend, is what gives us the edge we need.”
    -Makoto Shishio, Rurouni Kenshin
  • “Sometimes one must lose the battle in order to win the war.”
    -Isuzu Sento, Amagi Brilliant Park
  • “Nothing’s perfect, the world’s not perfect, but it’s there for us, trying the best it can. That’s what makes it so damn beautiful.”
    -Roy Mustang, Fullmetal Alchemist
  • “Don’t beg for it, earn it. Do it, and you’ll be rewarded.”
    -Renton Thurston, Eureka Seven
  • “Don’t worry about what other people think. Hold your head up high and plunge forward.”
    -Izuku Midoriya, My Hero Academia

    Inspirational Anime Quotes

    Isuzu Sento, Amagi Brilliant Park

Sad Anime Quotes

  • “Forget about revenge. The fate of those who seek revenge is grim. It’s tragic, You will end up suffering and hurting yourself even more. Even if you do succeed in getting revenge, the only thing that remains is emptiness.”
    -Kakashi Hatake, Naruto
  • “The loneliest people are the kindest. The saddest people smile the brightest. The most damaged people are the wisest. All because they don’t wish to see anyone else suffer the way they did.”
    -Jellal Fernandez, Fairy Tail
  • “Humans die. Animals die. Plants die. Even soul reapers die. It’s the arch of the universe. Everything that comes to life eventually ceases to exist.”
    -Barragan Luisenbarn, Bleach
  • “I bet dead people are easier to get along with.”
    -Crona, Soul Eater
  • “I finally got a bouquet and it’s a goodbye present. That’s depressing.”
    -Chihiro Ogino, Spirited Away
  • “Living is anxiety and pain. It’s continuing to think, continuing to choose.”
    -Alcor, Devil Survivor 2
  • “The past makes you wanna die out of regret and the future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.”
    -Hachiman Hikigaya, Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru
  • “They call certain methods of fighting good and others evil, acting as if there were some nobility to the battlefield. Such illusions, perpetrated by heroes throughout history, have led countless young men to their bloody deaths, all for the sake of this valor and glory.”
    -Kiritsugu Emiya, Fate Series
  • “I always believed that everyone in this world was far nicer and smarter than me. That no matter how unlikeable they seemed to be, they still had a good conscience and had justifiable circumstances for acting the way they did. That’s why I hated myself for being so timid and depressed when I didn’t even have any good reason for doing so. …But now I see that there actually are people who’re despicable in every way and don’t blink twice at ruining another’s life.”
    -Punpun Onodera, Goodnight Punpun
  • “I hate humans. I find the thought that I’m from the same species to be depressing.”
    -Koko Hekmatyar, Jormungand
  • “All this time, I seriously thought that it’s better to die than to live your life alone.”
    -Kirito, Sword Art Online
  • “I think death is equally terrible for everyone. Young people, old people, the good, the bad; it’s always the same. It’s rather fair in its treatment. There’s no such thing as a particularly terrible death, that’s why it’s frightening.”
    -Sunako Nakahara, The Wallflower

     Sad Anime Quotes

    Crona, Soul Eater

Funny Anime Quotes

  • “Excuse me, but are you by any chance the oddball in your family?”
    -Ash Ketchum, Pokemon
  • “If you use your head, you won’t get fat even if you eat sweets.”
    -L Lawliet, Death Note
  • “Do you have any idea how stupid we are? Don’t underestimate us.”
    -Kondou Isao (Gorilla), Gintama
  • “Don’t tell me he wants to conquer the world? Can’t he come up with something more original?”
    -Lina Inverse, Slayers
  • “When you’re in high school you should be doing things, about which you could never tell your parents!”
    -Isshin Kurosaki, Bleach
  • “Hey, you spiky, aloe vera b*stard! Where the hell’s Sasuke?”
    -Naruto Uzumaki, Naruto
  • “Azmaria is amazing. She’s already learning how to kiss up to rich people at such an age…”
    -Rosette, Chrono Crusade
  • “I don’t wanna brag or anything, but when it comes to being the worst – I’m at the top.”
    -Astolfo, Fate/Apocrypha
  • “If I kill you, that means I’ll be the one closest to you when you’re on your deathbed. Isn’t it romantic”
    -Hitagi Senjougahara, Bakemonogatari

     Funny Anime Quotes

    L Lawliet, Death Note

Anime Love Quotes

  • The moment you find the courage to give up your life for someone… would be the moment you understand love.”
    -Kenshin Himura, Samurai X
  • “Ohhh, I wish I could live five times over. Then I’d be born in five different places, and I’d stuff myself with different food from around the world…I’d live five different lives with five different occupations…And then, for those five times…I’d fall in love with the same person…”
    -Inoue Orihime, Bleach
  • “I want to be with you. From now on, I want to spend all and every single one of my days until I die with you, and only you.”
    -Naruto Uzumaki, Naruto
  • “Love, passion, why do we get caught up by such troublesome feelings? The mind couldn’t ever get things straight, and you lose control to know what is sensible. Deep down it’s all so vexing.”
    -Usui Takumi, Maid Sama
  • “If it’s possible for one person to be hurt by another, then it’s possible for that person to be healed by another.”
    -Sohma Hatori, Fruits Basket
  • “If I can meet you again, against the 6 billion to 1 odds, even If you can’t move, I’ll marry you.”
    -Hideki Hinata, Angel Beats
  • “Even If I lose this feeling, I’m sure that I’ll just fall in love with you all over again.”
    -Syaoran Li, Cardcaptor Sakura
  • “Once you fall in love, you really love that person through thick and thin.”
    -Oka Chinami, Golden Time
  • “I won’t hate that person. Even if my love does not reach him. Because they’re still my precious feelings.”
    -Ninako Kinoshita, Strobe Edge
  • “I thought I was invincible. Then I met some girl. I wanted to live, I started to think like that; for the first time, I was afraid of death. I had never felt like that before.”
    -Spike Spiegel, Cowboy Bebop
  • “Is there a limit to how much you can love somebody? No matter how much I hurt him or get hurt by him, I find myself far from hating him, actually hoping that those wounds will scar, like burns… Because then you can never forget me.”
    -Kamijou Hiroki, Junjou Romantica
  • “You changed me! Your smile is what saved me! That is why I’m not afraid to die protecting you! Because…I love you…”
    -Hyuuga Hinata, Naruto
  • “After all.. love is all about timing… If you don’t say the right thing at the right moment no matter how much fate was involved in the relationship, everything will be ruined. Even if you regret it, it’ll be too late.”
    -Takeuchi Masafumi, Bokura Ga Ita
  • “I too am alone. It’s sad being alone. It’s painful. I felt that way too. But if we’re together, at times we may hurt each other, and we may even part. But, that is not the end. I’ll always be with you.”
    -Hitomi Kanzaki, Vision of Escaflowne
  • “You were always there for me, and that’s all I needed. Just you. For some reason, I didn’t feel sad or broken up, it just didn’t seem real. But slowly I realized it was real – that you were gone. And little by little, I slowly felt something inside me go numb.”
    -Jet Black, Cowboy Bebop
  • “Someday my memories will fade…And her voice, her actions, I might forget them as well. But I will always remember that I loved Saber.”
    -Shirou Emiya, Fate Stay Night
  • “No matter which love line, what time, or where I am, I will always love you. I’ll say it one more time, I love you.”
    -Okabe, Steins Gate

     Anime Love Quotes

    Hyuuga Hinata, Naruto

Dark Anime Quotes

  • “Humans are humans. Deciding on what’s wrong and what’s right is entirely circumstantial for those bast***. Basically they’re just like animals, only a little bit smarter. All their actions are based on self interest, they’ll forget the favors they owe, but they’ll hold onto grudges forever. Such self absorbed idiots aren’t worth protecting if you ask me.”
    -Mordred Pendragon/Saber Of Red, Fate/Apocrypha
  • “The ability to make excuses for doing cruel and irredeemable things. It is an unfortunate trait that all humans possess in some capacity. And I am no exception to that. Had I not been burned at the stake, then I would have kept fighting, killing people in the name of the lord.”
    -Jeanne D’arc. Ulysses: Jeanne d’Arc and the Alchemist Knight
  • “I’ve made a contract with the devil, so I can’t be friends with a god.”
    -Lelouch Lamperouge, Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion
  • “When do you think people die? When they are shot through the heart by the bullet of a pistol? No. When are they ravaged by an incurable disease? No. When they drink a soup made from a poisonous mushroom? No! It’s when… they are forgotten.”
    -Dr Hiruluk, One Piece
  • “For the right price, you can buy not only treasures, but dreams, hearts and even people’s lives!”
    -Leorio Paradinight, Hunter X Hunter
  • “Can’t you hear the thoughts of all those people? “What could I have done to deserve something like this? God, why are you doing this? Please tell me?” – They’re all clutching their crucifixes and looking to heaven. And yet, he will never give them an answer. So many have died in an instant, stripped of all they hold dear. Have they committed any kind of sin? Where is the logic in it? Can’t you hear all their despair? All this sorrow, but where is his hand, his mercy?”
    -Aion, Chrono Crusade
  • “The real hell is inside the person.”
    -Ai Enma, Hell Girl
  • “Men are not men on the battlefield. We turn into some other creature. you can do the cruellest things… It doesn’t even matter if it’s an order or not. To protect yourself, your mind shuts out any emotions you have. It’s like a steel door. But once the war is over, you can’t keep it closed forever.”
    -Edward Elric, Fullmetal Alchemist
  • “The weak are destined to lie beneath the boots of the strong. If that angers you, overcome your deficits.”
    -Esdeath, Akame Ga Kill
  • “They call certain methods of fighting good and others evil, acting as if there were some nobility to the battlefield. Such illusions, perpetrated by heroes throughout history, have led countless young men to their bloody deaths, all for the sake of this valor and glory.”
    -Kiritsugu Emiya, Fate Zero

    Dark Anime Quotes

    Ai Enma, Hell Girl

Well, there you have it, ladies and gentlemen, some of the best anime quotes that we believe are truly well-said.

Until next time, Sayonara for now!

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