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How learning Japanese can be beneficial for your career

How learning Japanese can be beneficial for your career

One should never stop learning, the advantages of learning something new – like let’s say a new language – will always outweigh the disadvantages which are hardly any. Learning foreign language like Japanese, can really boost your career and is ideal for those who want to work in MNCs or abroad.

In this article, let’s take a closer look into how learning the Japanese language can help you in your career growth.

It is important to know that Japan, due to its chronic shortage of workers brought on by the ageing population, has been welcoming foreign workers into their animated country and being the third largest economy of the world, its corporations are expanding their businesses all over the world. Be it white-collar jobs or blue-collar jobs, there are tons of employment opportunities in Japanese companies.

With all the great career prospects in Japan or with Japanese companies around the world, one fact to be acknowledged is that Japanese people have very little understanding of universal languages like English. So, in order to build your career in Japan, you need to be proficient in their native language i.e Japanese.

Japanese companies in Japan offer a plethora of job benefits:


According to different sources, the salary offered in Japan is better as compared to the salary offered for the same role in India. Just take a look at the average base salaries of project managers (IT industry) in India and Japan.

Average base salary of a Project Manager (IT industry) in India:

INR – ₹1,519,086.00
JYP – ¥22,80,248.35

Average base salary of a Project Manager (IT industry) in Japan:

INR – ₹59,42,179.76
JYP – ¥8,930,000.00.

Job Stability:

When it comes to job stability, take a look at this employee-employer relationship system in Japan written by James Abegglen in 1958 –

“… the worker commits himself on entrance to the company for the remainder of his working career. The company will not discharge him even temporarily except in the most extreme circumstances. He will not quit the company for industrial employment elsewhere. He is a member of the company in ways resembling that in which persons are members of families, fraternal organizations, and other intimate and personal groups in the United States.’

Bear in mind that with temporary, freelance and contract basis jobs, this will not be the case. Also, with the change in the landscape of the job market, job stability depends on the ever-changing scenario caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

Pensions and Retirement:

According to an index by Monash Centre for Financial Studies in collaboration with global consultant Mercer released in Oct. 2019, where 37 retirement income systems were compared, Japan ranked 31st followed by India in 32nd. Japan and India’s index scores were 48.3 and 45.8 respectively.


Japan, being one of the largest and most developed economies in the world, beats a developing country like India when it comes to technology and innovation. So, opportunities for upskilling oneself is definitely higher in Japan.

Management Culture:

The Japanese management system is distinguished for its quality, productivity, innovation, efficiency and flexibility. Many countries, including India, have learned to adopt Japan’s work management system and fuse it with their own.

As you can see from the above-mentioned points, working in Japan or working for a Japanese company anywhere in the world, comes with benefits which will help you in your professional and personal growth. If you work in Japan and are proficient in the Japanese language, you can expect higher pay, productivity, benefits as well as opportunities to upskill yourself.

To find a good-paying job in Japan, which also comes with good benefits, it is very important that you speak and understand the Japanese language. We recommend that you clear the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT), which certifies your competency in the language.

In India, there are many offline and online classes, such as AKAL Japanese Academy, where you can learn the Japanese language as well as the culture, traditions and values of Japan. If you are a beginner, you can start with JLPT N5 and move up to N1.

We wish you the best of luck for your career in Japan!

Until next time, sayōnara for now!

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