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5 things to know before moving to Japan for your studies

5 things to know before moving to Japan for your studies

So, preparations after preparations – your dream of studying abroad in Japan has finally come true!

Our heartiest congratulations to you!

With its picturesque settings, the ambrosial aromas of the scrumptious cuisines, rich heritage, as well as fascinating Japanese culture and traditions, we are positive that you are going to enjoy your stay in the Land of the Rising Sun.

Like the saying ‘to each his own,’ not all nations are the same and as such Japan is no exception and has its unique features. In order to save you from a culture shock, we have compiled a list of some of the things that you should prepare yourself for once you go to Study in Japan.

So, buckle up and let’s get started!

Essential things to remember if you are planning to study in Japan:

1. Cleanliness is next to godliness

In this case, we do not mean the proverb. No. Japan is a really clean nation. As one of the greenest and cleanest nations in the world, the streets of Japan are usually spotless. The people there, ensure that the Land of the Rising Sun remains clean. For instance, locals would gather to enjoy street-cleaning events and since there are hardly any garbage cans, people usually carry their waste packages home with them. So, whenever you are about to go out for the day (or night), you might want to carry your waste bag with you.

2. Take a bow

Loyalty, politeness, and a sense of responsibility are qualities that the Japanese people value. You might have seen how instead of handshakes, Japanese people bow their heads to greet people. This is not only for greeting but is also a sign of respect shown to their elders and each other. You need to bear in mind that the longer you bow, the more respect you give. To be casual, you can give a small head nod. Be it your workplace, public places, or at home, bowing is a sign of greeting and also for when you want to show your gratitude, make an apology or ask for a favor.

3. Position your chopsticks right

Once you are in Japan, you will be using chopsticks. If you don’t know how to use them, you might want to learn how. You should also know that the positions of the chopsticks used have meaning. For instance, it is considered to be a bad omen when you rest your chopstick in your bowl or plate while you are not eating as this is usually done during Japanese funeral ceremonies. So, you might want to avoid doing that. Also, never share the same chopsticks with others as it is also considered taboo.

4. Life of a busy bee

Japanese are known for being hard workers. Once you are in Japan, prepare to be very busy. Leisure time will no longer be a luxury you will easily afford. The work-life balance will be more work and less time for, well – fun.

5. Punctuality is the best policy

Well, definitely one of the best, especially in a country like Japan. Be it going to work, meeting friends, or public gatherings, avoid being late. Always be on time or early. Stick to your daily schedule religiously to avoid being late for anything. Make good use of your alarm clock once you move to Japan for your studies.

As long as you take notes of the above-mentioned pointers and follow them, your move to Japan will be much easier.

Good luck!

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